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Back neck shoulder massage

"Sickness makes health pleasant and good; so does hunger and satisfaction, and weariness and rest."

How do I proceed?

- Massage of the back, buttocks, arms, hands and shoulders

- Then the neck muscles and pressure points on the head while lying on the back

- water or herbal tea afterwards

FYI: this treatment can also be booked as a duo massage , click on online booking for more information

So if you suffer from lower back complaints, painful muscles in the neck and shoulders, tingling fingers and cramped arms, this massage is ideal for you.

When is this massage not recommended?

- with too much pain
- in case of fever
- in case of growths
- open wounds
- skin diseases

- inflammation
- chronic infectious diseases
- on growth cartilage in children
- spastic paralysis

- rheumatic diseases (as long as the cause is unknown)
- for varicose veins

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